The NOYTRIA ELLAS serving the goal of efficient operation, in conjunction with the original, scientifically advanced and vital services to customers of farmers, gewtechnikoys and livestock supplies dealers presents its new product the IEAT PROTECTANT, for contributing to the treatment of thermal stress-stress and synepeiwn in production and dairy hygiene especially animals with priority of cows.

The IEAT PROTECTANT is a new formula based on potassium homeostasis, in balancing the pH of the rumen, and increasing the energy content of the rations in order to minimize the negative impact of ruminants during high and extreme temperatures during the summer months.

Contains potassium carbonate high bioavailability, bioenergi yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Calcium propionate, high quality sheltered vegetable fat, rich in Palmitic acid and essential oils.

Cows leaving the thermooydeteris zone when mercury spent 22oC and 45% humidity and enter a State of thermal stress. Even after the 26oC is obvious effect of quantity of dry matter and as a result of this the drop in milk production.

A condition of thermal stress due to disturbance of homeostasis of organism brings about many problems:

  1. Increasing the rate of breathing and panting with score to increase the maintenance needs of the animal by 10% and created because of increased breathing rate more free radicals (ROS), leading to oxidative stress.
  2. Reduction in time rumination (reduction rate of exploitation)
  3. Reduction of potassium in the blood
  4. The reduced intake of dry matter often becomes against the coarse feed (when there is a possibility) is changing and why coarse to concentrated and the buffer capacity of prostomachwn with likely ending the acidosis.
  5. Increased body temperature of a cow is a deterrent from sit in boxes and the long standing increases overwhelmingly the rate of lameness (hobble).
  6. In cows that are in the first phase of the lactating period the reduced intake of dry matter in connection with the negative energy balance are likely ending the ketosis.

Due to the above, an American survey conducted in Ohio in 2003 indicates that the economic impact of thermal stress amounted to EUR 142/cow/year even in staylikes facilities with adequate ventilation.


  1. Regulate the homeostasis of potassium in the body
  2. Balances the pH of the rumen resulting in an increase in the rate of feed intake in order to meet the Agency's needs in nutrients even when food intake is reduced
  3. Increases the energy content of food with high quality vegetable fat that releases energy directly helping the prevention of ketwsis
  4. Reducing the effects of thermal stress ensures the persistence in lactation or deposition weight gain




The PROTECTANT IEAT granted in amount of 100-250 grams/capita/day in lactating cows and 30-80 g/capita/day in dairy goats.


CAUTION: not recommended its use in cows in dry period.


Available in 25 kg bags