Bentonite stocks lower Pleistocene geological period of the Eastern island of Melos, elaborated with the transformation of volcano-strwmatosigeni rocks in underwater conditions. Systematic diversification of the main chemical elements, reveals that the bentonite reserves were formed from various precursor materials which leapt from several volcanic centers belonging to at least two different volcanic regions. Volcanic eruptions was probably underwater.                                              The different fractions are native smektitis, feldspars, Opal CT, and zeolithoi morntenitis and klinoptilolithos. The hydrothermal alteration and differentiation mining features and properties of bentonite. The differentiation of the parent rocks in bentonite was favoured by the depth of water. The proportions of petrota walls and water flow is in correlation with the flushing and consequent move To, k and Ca. Such product blended with ingredients that inhibit mold growth and limiting the emission of dust has great features for the crowd problems related solution with general hygiene of animal populations, such as:

  • Drying just born babies animals especially the cold and humid periods of the year and protecting them from the ypothermies. The drying of wet bedding in ptinotrofikoys wards particularly of broiler chicks with additional benefit of reducing the rate of multiplication of kokkidiwn and intensity of kokkidiasewn
  • Drying the substrate of seats resting of dairy cows and hence reduce the incidence of pneumonia. Minimizing the growth of fungi and bacteria population in the stables
  • The relief of cows waiting to be armechtoyn in the space before the armektirio of the pressure of harsh and bad floors. Reducing ammonia odors with the benefit of reducing adverse effects on the lungs of animals.